Income Tax (IT) Department simplifies linking PAN with Aadhaar - No need to login or be registered on the E-filing website
Government of India (PIB)
11-May-2017 16:55 IST 
Income Tax (IT) Department simplifies linking PAN with Aadhaar for taxpayers using Income Tax India website No need to login or be registered on the E-filing website for linking
The Income Tax (IT) Department has made it easy for taxpayers to link their PAN with Aadhaar. Responding to grievances of taxpayers regarding difficulties in


     Ganga Das our school mali was pruning  the plants..sitting in the posh arbour of ******international school,heat and dust didn't seem to affect him.
"Ganga das,principal ma'am wants to see you right now"
The last two words of peon had lots of emphasis on them,trying to make it sound like an urgency  .He quickly got up,washed and wiped his hands and headed towards principal's room.The walk from the garden to the office seemed never ending,his heart was almost jumping out of his chest..he was trying all the permutation n combination ,figuring out as to what has gone wrong that she wants to see him urgently...he was a sincere worker and never shirked away from his duties...
*knock knock*..." Madam,you called me?"

MOBILE - से जुडी कई बातें

मोबाइल  से  जुडी  कई  ऐसी  बातें  जिनके  बारे  में  हमें  जानकारी  नहीं  होती  लेकिन  मुसीबत  के  वक्त  यह  मददगार  साबित  होती  है ।
         इमरजेंसी नंबर ---     दुनिया  भर  में  मोबाइल  का  इमरजेंसी  नंबर  112  है । अगर  आप  मोबाइल  की  कवरेज  एरिया  से  बाहर  हैं  तो  112  नंबर  द्वारा  आप  उस  क्षेत्र  के  नेटवर्क  को  सर्च  कर  लें। ख़ास  बात  यह  है  कि  यह  नंबर  तब  भी  काम  करता  है  जब  आपका  की  पैड  लौक  हो।


By  on May 8, 2017      EXCERPTS BELOW full text on
This is a 'pot pouri' IDF analysis of the week ending 6th May, 2017.Indians think Delhi is the centre of the earth with the fastest growing economy and a magnet for FDI. Leaders come visiting to sell to the largest population in the world (if a census is taken).


AMOR FATI - Learn To Love Your Fate....... 
         Amor fati is a Latin phrase that may be translated as "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". It is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens, including suffering and loss as, necessary. Whether one likes them or not, it is accepted with zen like serenity. 
Thomas Edison was at home eating dinner. A man burst into his home, interrupting him. He had bad news. His research facility was on fire.


Wheat article: Do We stop Eating
Read this article it will change ur life, If you remove all the (wheat) bread; roti, cakes, biscuits, pizzas, Samosa etc from your diet. 
*Do You Have A "Wheat Belly"?*
A renowned cardiologist explains how eliminating wheat can shrink your belly and save your health.
*Cardiologist William Davis, MD, started his career repairing damaged hearts through surgical angioplasty and stents.*
*"That's what I was trained to do, and at first, that's what I wanted to do," he explains. But when his own mother died of a heart attack in 1995, despite receiving the best cardiac care, he was forced to face nagging concerns about his profession.*


             If there are any kings in a democracy, it is our bureaucrats. Hope the essence of this article below also reaches the balanced, patriotic elements in our bureaucracy. The author, Kishore Asthana, (an IIM A aluminus of 1972 batch), as a man any one  would LOVE to interact with.
He just happens to be NCR Mensa head as well... 
           Imagine two branches of service in the Government of India. The two branches are different in substance and in the perception of the citizens. One branch has its halo effect and is considered both glamorous and praiseworthy in public perception. The other branch is often pejoratively titled "babudom".
 Now consider the following points:


*Why young people don't buy cars and apartments anymore*
        Nowadays, the traditional measure of success — owning an apartment and/or a car — is out of date. An increasing number of young people around the world don't want to buy them.
Research shows that the so-called millennial generation, who are now 30-35 years old, rarely buy houses and even more rarely — cars. In fact, they don't buy super expensive things at all. In the USA, people under the age of 35 are called 'the generation of renters.'
Why does this happen?
Some sociologists say the current generation of young people differs from their parents' generation. They have different values.The youth today has reconsidered the concept of success, which means: Successful people don't buy property — they rent.

If you want to be considered successful, invest in experiences: travel, do extreme sports, build startups. The point is that people now don't want prosperity and stability — all they want is flexible schedules and financial and geographical independence.
People have started to have no interest in material things
Why own a car if you can take a cab? It's almost a personal car with a driver. And it's not more expensive than having your own car. 
Why buy a house in a beautiful place and go there for vacation, if you can find a place to stay through Airbnb in any corner of the planet? You don't have to overpay for rent or buy a property in a country you love. The same thing with real estate in your hometown:You don't know how long you'll stay where you live.
You can take on a mortgage for 40 years, or you can accept the fact that you'll spend your whole life in a rented place.
You'll probably change your job in the next few years. If you rent, nothing prevents you from moving closer to the office.According to Forbes, modern young people change jobs every three years on average.
The concept of ownership is no longer relevant
James Hamblin, The Atlantic's columnist, explains the phenomenon as follows: 'Over the past decade, psychologists carried out a great amount of research proving that, in terms of happiness and a sense of well-being, spending money on new experiences is much more profitable than buying new things. It brings more joy.'
Experiences help us make friends
Social interaction between people is crucial to whether they feel happy or not. Talking to others and having a lot of friends makes you a happier person. But would people rather hear about how you spent a year in a wild country or about how many apartments you've already bought?
Remember that even a bad experience can become a good story. Material things cannot.
.Buying things makes us worry
There's one more thing. The things we own, especially if they're very expensive, make us worry about their condition. If you buy a car, you'll flinch every time someone's alarm sounds outside. If you buy a house and fill it with expensive items, you'll be afraid of being robbed. Not to mention the fact that a car can be scratched or break down, and a super expensive TV might break after a year of usage. But no one can ever take away the experiences you have.
Every purchase will go down in price over time
Our parents weren't able to travel as often as we do. There wasn't the possibility to have so much fun. They didn't have so many opportunities to start a new business. Therefore, they invested in houses and cars, and we don't want to do that. After all, every purchase, if it's not a house or an apartment, will depreciate over time. And if we think about how quickly real estate depreciates during a crisis, then everything becomes even more obvious.
Experience is the only thing that matters: it won't go down in price, and no one can steal it.
TAKE HOME  MESSAGE - The Author of the above article is from the USA and has explained of a growing trait in the USA. 
But India is not far behind. More and more of my friends, family and people I know who live in metros like Mumbai, Pune, Delhi and Bangalore are shifting to the above mindset. 
The change is happening really fast. 
And experience has become the new age motivator. 
Very soon youth in developing cities will understand the power of the above and adopt it. 
Its an evolutionary change, where we are moving away from Materialistic value to Higher Emotional Value to Life! 
If we consider the Maslows Pyramid, this is a further step towards greater happiness. 
 Detachment is essential to experience Bliss!
If you still depend on Materialistic approach to happiness.. Then this is a great time in the social evolution of society to experience the other side, without being considered a Rebel or having to break too many comfort zones!






There are some events that can be understood only with the perspective oftime. The war in Vietnam is one. It was June 21, 1989, and I was interviewing a diminutive man with four stars on the epaulets of his dark green uniform shirt. We were talking in what had once been the mansion of a French colonial governor in Hanoi. The man was Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, theVietnamese military genius who had led his country to victory, first

against France's attempt to reimpose colonial rule in the aftermath of
World War II, then against the unparalleled might of the United States when
it subsequently sought to permanently divide Vietnam and install a client
state in Saigon. "The American soldiers were brave, but courage is not
enough," General Giap said. "David did not kill Goliath just because he was
brave. He looked up at Goliath and realized that if he fought Goliath's way
with a sword, Goliath would kill him. But if he picked up a rock and put it
in his sling, he could hit Goliath in the head and knock Goliath down and
kill him. David used his mind when he fought Goliath. So did we Vietnamese
when we had to fight the Americans." General Giap's American opponent, Gen.
William C. Westmoreland, was certain that he had the formula for victory in
Vietnam. General Westmoreland seemed to be everything one could desire in a
commanding general. He was tall, handsome and articulate. He had led an
airborne regimental combat team with distinction in the Korean War, and had
attracted the attention of President John F. Kennedy's favorite general,
Maxwell D. Taylor, whose patronage had gained General Westmoreland the
Vietnam command.

General Westmoreland boasted that he was going to bleed the Vietnamese to
death with a huge killing machine he was deploying in their country.
Superbly trained Army infantry and Marines would outmaneuver the Vietnamese
as fleets of "slick ship" transport helicopters shifted them swiftly from
one battleground to another with unprecedented mobility. They would be
protected as they landed by a second fleet of "gunship" helicopters with
electrically controlled, rapid-firing machine guns and pods of
air-to-ground 2.75 inch rockets attached to the sides. They carried their
artillery with them, 105 millimeter howitzers slung under the boxy CH-21
"Chinook" cargo helicopters the Army had recently developed.

"Westy," as he liked to be called, was building airfields all over the
place. Once on the ground, the troops could summon unlimited strikes by jet
fighter bombers stacked overhead, laden with bombs and napalm and white
phosphorous, which could burn its way through a man's flesh. There was no
limit to the level of explosives that the United States would use to
shatter the Vietnamese. The eight-engine B-52 "Stratofortresses" of the
Strategic Air Command, created to devastate the Soviet Union with nuclear
weapons, would now blast the Vietnamese with the closest equivalent in
conventional bombardment — 20 tons of 500-pound bombs dropped from a single
aircraft flying at 30,000 feet. When the B-52s struck, the earth trembled
for miles in every direction. The Vietnamese turned to the natural fortress
that was their land. In the 1960s the hand of man had hardly touched the
mountains of the Annamite chain, which extended from North Vietnam well
down into the Central Highlands of the South. The Annamites were then still
a primeval place of lonesome peaks and forbidding ridges. Broadleaf
evergreen and teak and mahogany rain forest covered all except for the
thickets of bamboo and the clearings in the valleys of tall elephant grass.
The canopy trees were 60 feet high; below them were the pole trees of
mid-height, and then underbrush.

Beneath the trees, the Vietnamese proceeded to create complexes of
fortified bunkers. The main bunkers, where the command was located, had
lavish protection — a layer of logs, a layer of dirt, and succeeding layers
of logs and dirt up to eight or nine feet in height. To knock out one of
these bunkers required a direct hit by a 250-pound bomb, a rarity in
practice. The smaller bunkers had less but still adequate overhead cover
and all were connected by zigzag trenches (a pattern that gave the
Vietnamese soldiers additional shelter) deep enough to stand up in and take
on the Americans, who at first would have no idea where the enemy was
located. Firing lanes were cleared, but otherwise the underbrush was left
in place for concealment.

When the American soldier leapt from his helicopter, he was also confronted
by a fighting man as well or perhaps better armed than he was. The
Vietnamese infantryman wielded the finest of assault rifles — the AK-47.
The weapon was the work of a brilliant Soviet firearms designer — Mikhail
Kalashnikov. It was fully automatic and rarely jammed, in contrast to the
American M-16 rifle, which required constant cleaning to prevent a
stoppage. The gallows humor about the AK-47 was that if you dropped it in
the mud, you could pick it up, bang it against a tree to clear it, and it
would start firing again.

The B-40 rocket-propelled grenade was another product of the Soviet arsenal
that the Vietnamese infantryman possessed. Its pineapple shaped warhead at
the end of the launcher had formidable blast and fragmentation effect. Nor
did the Vietnamese want for any lack of heavier, crew-served machine guns.

It typically took three days of air and artillery bombardment to expose the
bunkers by blasting away the trees and other overhead cover. By then the
Vietnamese survivors would be gone, carrying most of their dead and wounded
with them. Despite all the protection the bunker complexes provided them,
the Vietnamese suffered severe casualties. They mitigated their losses to
some extent by seizing and holding the initiative. Studies showed that 80
to 90 percent of the time it was the Vietnamese and not the Americans who
initiated combat or decided to fight another day. But no one could endure
all the violence the Americans could hurl at them and not get hurt. The
Vietnamese were, however, prepared to accept these casualties. They were
fighting for the reunification and independence of their motherland, while
the American soldier served in a half-conscript, half-volunteer army
fighting a war of empire thousands of miles from home. The "hill fights,"
as they were called, unfolded through 1967 as General Giap lured General
Westmoreland into one battle after another. The most gruesome occurred in
late November 1967 near the outpost of Dak To in northern Kontum Province
in the Central Highlands. It became known as "Hill 875" after the military
practice of naming a battleground for its height in meters. Colonel
Jonathan Ladd, known as Fred, the Special Forces commander in Vietnam in
1967 and a friend from earlier years when he had been an adviser to a South
Vietnamese infantry division in the Mekong Delta, told me what had
happened. Fred
had a camp at Dak To. It suddenly came under mortar fire. The Special
Forces were composed then of mountain tribal mercenaries led by experienced
and canny Army noncommissioned officers. Fred flew up to Dak To from his
headquarters at Nha Trang on the coast and sent out patrols to ascertain
the source of the mortar fire. They discovered that the Vietnamese had
built another of these man traps on Hill 875 and adjoining ridges. The
mortars were a macabre invitation to a fight for the bunker complex.
General Westmoreland was in Washington, called home by a nervous Lyndon
Johnson to shore up public support for the war that was being eroded by the
high casualties. The general urged patience. He was winning. "The end
begins to come into view," he assured the nation in a speech at the
National Press Club in Washington.

General Westmoreland's subordinates knew what he wanted. The 173rd Airborne
Brigade was dispatched to Dak To, along with battalions of the Fourth
Infantry Division under Maj. Gen. William R. Peers, a respected officer. As
soon as Fred briefed him, General Peers announced that he was going to
unleash a heliborne assault on the bunker complex. Fred pleaded with him
not to do so. "For God's sake, General, don't send our people in there,"
Fred said. "That's what the bastards want us to do. They'll butcher our
people. If they want to fight us, let them come down here where we can kill
them." General Peers refused to listen, imbued as he was with the
Westmoreland doctrine of "Find 'em, fix 'em, fight 'em, and destroy 'em."
The paratroops shouted "Airborne all the way," as they fought their way up
the slopes. Two hundred and eighty-seven of these troopers and infantrymen
from the Fourth Division died. More than 1,000 were wounded. And as always,
when the fight was over, the Vietnamese disappeared.


An interesting  concept of what could lay ahead. .
     In a recent interview the MD of Daimler Benz (Mercedes Benz) said their competitors are no longer other car companies but Tesla (obvious), Google, Apple, Amazon 'et al' are……  There have always been the 3 constants ...   Death, Taxes and CHANGE!
     Software will disrupt most traditional industries in the next 5-10 years.   
Uber is just a software tool, they don't own any cars, and are now the biggest taxi company in the world.  Airbnb is now the biggest hotel company in the world, although they don't own any properties.   
Artificial Intelligence: Computers become exponentially better in understanding the world. This

year, a computer beat the best Go player in the world,  10 years earlier than expected. 
In the US, young lawyers already don't get jobs. Because of IBM Watson, you can get legal advice (so far for more or less basic stuff) within seconds, with 90% accuracy compared with 70% accuracy when done by humans. So if you study law, stop immediately. There will be 90% less lawyers in the future, only specialists will remain. 
Watson already helps nurses diagnosing cancer, 4 times more accurate than human nurses. Facebook now has a pattern recognition software that can recognize faces better than humans. In 2030, computers will become more intelligent than humans.
Autonomous cars: In 2018 the first self driving cars will appear for the public. Around 2020, the complete industry will start to be disrupted. You  don't want to own a car anymore. You will call a car with your phone, it will show up at your location and drive you to your destination. You will not need to park it, you only pay for the driven distance and can be productive while driving. Our kids will  never get a driver's licence and will never own a car. 
It will change the cities, because we will need 90-95% less cars for that. We can transform former parking spaces into parks. 1.2 million people die  each year in car accidents worldwide. We now have one accident every 60,000 miles (100,000 km), with autonomous driving that will drop to one accident in 6 million miles (10 million km). That will save a million lives each year. 
Most car companies will probably become bankrupt. Traditional car companies try the evolutionary approach and just build a better car, while tech companies (Tesla, Apple, Google) will do the revolutionary approach and build a computer on wheels. Many engineers from Volkswagen and Audi; are completely terrified of Tesla.
Insurance companies will have massive trouble because without accidents, the insurance will become 100x cheaper. Their car insurance business model  will disappear. 
Real estate will change. Because if you can work while you commute, people will move further away to live in a more beautiful neighborhood.
Electric cars will become mainstream about 2020. Cities will be less noisy because all new cars will run on electricity. Electricity will become incredibly cheap and clean: Solar production has been on an exponential curve for 30 years, but you can now see the burgeoning impact.  
Last year, more solar energy was installed worldwide than fossil. Energy companies are desperately trying to limit access to the grid to prevent competition from home solar installations, but that can't last. Technology will take care of that strategy. 
With cheap electricity comes cheap and abundant water. Desalination of salt water now only needs 2kWh per cubic meter (@ 0.25 cents). We don't have  scarce water in most places, we only have scarce drinking water. Imagine what will be possible if anyone can have as much clean water as he wants, for nearly no cost.   

Health:    The Tricorder X price will be announced this year. There are companies who will build a medical device (called the "Tricorder" from Star Trek)  that works with your phone, which takes your retina scan, your blood sample and you breath into it.
It then analyses 54 biomarkers that will identify nearly any disease. It will be cheap, so in a few years everyone on this planet will have access to world class medical analysis, nearly for free. Goodbye, medical establishment. 
3D printing: The price of the cheapest 3D printer came down from $18,000 to $400 within 10 years. In the same time, it became 100 times faster. All  major shoe companies have already started 3D printing shoes.
Some spare airplane parts are already 3D printed in remote airports. The space station now has a printer that eliminates the need for the large amount of spare parts they used to have in the past. 
At the end of this year, new smart phones will have 3D scanning possibilities.    You can then 3D scan your feet and print your perfect shoe at home.   
In China, they already 3D printed and built a complete 6-storey office building.    By 2027, 10% of everything that's being produced will be 3D printed. 
Business opportunities: If you think of a niche you want to go in, ask yourself: "in the future, do you think we will have that?" and if the answer  is yes, how can you make that happen sooner?
If it doesn't work with your phone, forget the idea. And any idea designed for success in the 20th century is doomed to failure in the 21st century. 
Work:  70-80% of jobs will disappear in the next 20 years. There will be a lot of new jobs, but it is not clear if there will be enough new jobs in such a small time. 
Agriculture:   There will be a $100 agricultural robot in the future. Farmers in 3rd world countries can then become managers of their field instead of working all day on their fields.Aeroponics will need much less water. The first Petri dish produced veal, is now available and will be cheaper than cow produced veal in 2018. Right now, 30% of all agricultural surfaces is used for cows. Imagine if we don't need that space anymore. There are several startups who will bring insect protein to the market shortly. It contains more protein than meat. It will be labelled as "alternative protein source" (because most people still reject the idea of eating insects).
Apps : There is an app called "moodies" which can already tell in which mood you're in.  By 2020 there will be apps that can tell by your facial expressions, if you are lying. Imagine a political debate where it's being displayed when they're telling the truth and when they're not. 
Bitcoin may even become the default reserve currency ... Of the world! 
Longevity:  Right now, the average life span increases by 3 months per year. Four years ago, the life span used to be 79 years, now it's 80 years. The increase itself is increasing and by 2036, there will be more than one year increase per year. So we all might live for a long long time, probably way more than 100.
Education:  The cheapest smart phones are already at $10 in Africa and Asia. By 2020, 70% of all humans will own a smart phone. That means, everyone  has the same access to world class education.
Every child can use d academy for everything a child needs to learn at school in First World countries. There have already been releases of software in Indonesia and soon there will be releases in , Suaheli and Chinese this summer. I can see enormous potential if we give the English app for free, so that children in Africa and everywhere else can become fluent in English and that could happen within half a year.


 Easy steps to file ITR-1 Online
     The Calculation and TDS process of Income Tax liability of Salaried Employees for the year 2016-17 (The assessment year 2017-18) would have been over by this time. Now it's time for Employees to receive Form-16 from the Employer and file their income tax return.
Easy E-filing by entering the data directly on the Income Tax E-filing website. This is the most user-friendly method. As of now, ITR-1 and ITR-4S can be filed in this method
1. Go to this Income Tax Department's Official online ITR filing Website. Register using your PAN and get username and password, if you have not already registered.

2. After successful registration, Click the "Quick Filing of E-Returns" hyperlink available in the left menu.
3. Once you have successfully logged in you will land in to following page.

4. After you select the ITR type and relevant year for which ITR has to be filed, entry page of ITR will be shown. The first tab will be containing the instructions for filling the data.
5. As you are in logged in session, it is better to save the data entered after each tab is completed. However, Submit Button has to be used only after entry of all the data. The following Screenshot is Personal Information entry tab. Once an entry is completed save the data as the draft and proceed to next tab.

6. Following Screenshots are relating to entry tabs for Income Tax details, Details of Income Tax Deducted by the employer, and Bank Account details.  Enter the values in these fields as per Form-16 provided by the employer.  Tax Deducted by the Employer and paid into Govt Account will be available under TDS tab.  TDS details can also be verified through Form-26AS which is an online feature available in Income Tax Website to get the details of the Income Tax Paid in respect of a PAN.


After entry of data in all these tabs are completed, click Submit button to generate ITR-V Button. ITR-V is a document which contains the summary of your income, deductions and income tax paid. This document has to be signed and sent to the Income Tax Central Processing Center at Bangalore. Address of this center will be available in the mail sent to you attaching filled up ITR-V form. Please note that Online E-filing will get completed only after receipt of this ITR-V at Central Processing Center at Bangalore.
Alternatively, the taxpayer can also e-verify the return filed using his / her Aadhaar ID.  In that case, there is no need to send the physical copy of ITR-5 to Income Tax Central Processing Center.


In the Budget 2017, a new provision was inserted, making the quoting of Aadhaar number mandatory in the application form the for PAN. Also, effective from 1st July 2017, it is mandatory to quote your Aadhaar number while filing IT Return.
The intention is to identify the persons who avoid taxes by having multiple PAN cards. However, the implementation is not so smooth sailing. Because now all PAN card holders must have Aadhaar card. Also, whoever trying to apply the new PAN, must first have Aadhaar card. Otherwise, the existing PAN cards will be treated as invalid.

How to link Aadhaar with PAN?

Before jumping into the problems of unable to link Aadhaar with PAN, let us first try to understand the procedure of linking Aadhaar with PAN card.
Do remember that you no need to upload any copies. Instead, IT Department will validate the Aadhaar database.

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 04:03 AM PDT

First login to the e-Filing portal of IT Department. Click "e-file" ——-> Select "Prepare & Upload Return" to upload your IT Return.
Next under e-File, select the option e-Verify Return.



So if peace is to be restored, what we need is a strategy for war.
Written by Tavleen Singh | Published:April 23, 2017 1:53 am

kashmir, kashmir violence, kashmir unrest, kashmir stone-pelting, kashmir valley warzone, new jihad in Kashmir, kashmir news, latest news, lind
(Express Photo By Shuaib Masoodi)
       The Kashmir Valley has become a warzone today because of radical Islam. This is the exact same genre of Islam that caused the terrorist attack in Paris last week. And the exact same genre that lies at the root of all jihadi terrorist attacks. Until we admit this, we cannot begin to talk of peace. Just as it is impossible to defeat the worldwide jihad as long as moderate Muslims continue to support it, albeit inadvertently, for reasons of piety, faith and community, so will it be impossible to defeat the jihad in Kashmir. The violent mobs that abuse security personnel on the streets of Srinagar are made up of small boys and youths who are too young to understand politics but who have been bred on their difference from other Indians for reasons of faith.
If anyone has any doubts about Islam being at the centre of the current spate of violence, please watch the video recently released by the man who took over as commander of the Hizbul Mujahideen after Burhan Wani was killed. Zakir Rashid Bhat says, "When we pick up stones or guns, it should not be with the intention that we are fighting for Kashmir (as a nation). The sole motive should be for the supremacy of Islam so that Shariah is established here." Bhat clarifies that nationalism and democracy are not permitted in Islam. Is it any wonder that the recent election saw enraged mobs burning down polling booths and smashing EVM machines? Is it any wonder that we saw the lowest polling in decades? What we should wonder about is why Kashmiri politicians contesting the election continue to speak of the stone throwers as 'nationalists' and 'misguided youth'.
     These things they are definitely not. They have been carefully guided in the tenets of radical Islam and think of themselves as soldiers in a holy war against a land of infidels. Frankly, after watching their vicious verbal and physical assault on armed CRPF personnel in that video that has gone viral, I am no longer convinced that they need guidance any more even from their paymasters across the border. If 'moderate' Islam could become the reason for India breaking in 1947, imagine what radical Islam can achieve in Kashmir today.
     So if peace is to be restored, what we need is a strategy for war. Liberal commentators suggesting dialogue and interlocutors are quite simply idiotic romantics living in the past. If they open their eyes they will see that a new chapter of our Kashmir problem has opened. It has nothing to do with the historical problem, or the one created by Indira Gandhi when she toppled Farooq Abdullah's legitimately elected government in that hot, horrible summer of 1984. In that last summer of her life Mrs Gandhi made two of her biggest political mistakes: Operation Blue Star in Punjab and the imposition a month later of an illegitimate government in Srinagar.
    These mistakes have little relevance today so I mention them only in passing. Punjab has fully recovered from the insurgency caused by the military attack on the Golden Temple, and Kashmir's current cycle of violence has nothing to do with what happened in 1984. It has everything to do with the worldwide jihad as Burhan Wani's successor has so clearly explained, and the reason why the Modi government has not been able to deal with what has happened is because the problem can no longer be dealt with under the old rules of the game. The goalposts have changed.
    My own ever humble opinion is that even if Indian prime ministers had not made the long list of mistakes they have made since 1947, there would still be a problem in the Valley today inspired entirely by the worldwide jihad. Having said this, may I add that if I were asked what needs to be done now, I would find it hard to offer a solution other than isolating the Valley from more peaceful parts of this vast and beautiful state. The people of Ladkah and Jammu have never played a role in Kashmir's troubled history and yet, they have paid for it. Ladakh has such a repository of wild natural beauty and ancient Buddhist history that it could draw more foreign tourists than Kashmir, but the infrastructure for this is totally missing. Jammu already thrives on Hindu pilgrim tourists but could attract many, many more if some investment were made in infrastructure.
   The Prime Minister can play an important role in this and in making a policy that states as clearly as possible that even if violence in the Valley continues for another hundred years, Kashmir will remain a part of India. For those Kashmiris for whom Islam is more important than the nation, there are welcome mats laid out in the Islamic republic next door.



  There was a boy called Ayush Yadav.  He was a field Captain in the Indian Army.  You can tell a service officer, that they are different from others when they stand in a group of boys of the same age.  It is not the hair cut that stands out.  It is the honour that the uniform brings that makes them stand out.  When most boys of their age are refining their resumes for a job, these boys chose a life that  embeds honour as a way of life.  
    Honour in uniform
    Honour in society
    Honour to stand guard for the motherland
    Honour in being a soldier.
    Our uniform portrays purpose, duty and makes you responsible to the trust that the 125 crore people bestow  in us.  That trust is a very big purpose to bear.  

This boy "An Officer & a Gentleman" stood ground and as a true soldier lived and died guarding that trust.  The slow march of six officers of the same rank in ceremonial uniform as Paul bearers carried the coffin that contained  the mortal remains of Ayush. There was not a tear from anyone. Each one had pride in their being while they honoured the coffins with flowers.  

A boy from Kanpur Ayush did all that any brat of his age would do.  But this boy had a spark, he joined the service about eighteen months ago.  The column of four officers split into two each in slow march and crossed the final door of Chetwood Block at Indian Military Academy.  When Ayush started the split there were a set of four MiG-29 aircraft that roared over the academy giving their final ceremonial salute to the academy colours.  Ayush looked up the door sill, the sparkling brass alphabets shone with the words "Through these portals have walked the finest soldiers of the Indian Army".  His name was called out as he walked past.  His mother who was sitting in the audience, had a tear in the eye.  The parents were called to the assembly area to pip their respective children.  Tradition goes that the parents wear the first rank on their wards shoulder.  His father to the right and mother in the left, each with a star in their hand unbuttoned the shoulder flap.  It is one scene for anyone to experience, parents cry with tears of joy.  Ayush was standing in attention as he was pipped.  Once done, he gave his first salute to his parents.  That salute was duty and tradition, then comes the family love.  Instinctively the family closes in and a warm embrace happens.  It is a scene  that melts hardened hearts.  

His first posting at Kupwara with his entire life ahead Ayush reached his field location and was on duty standing a post with his men.  It was at 04:40 AM that the strike happened.  It was over in 35 minutes.  Three terrorists struck the camp, two of them were dead.  At the end of it Capt Ayush lay dead due to injuries sustained.  Alongwith him two more soldiers too were martyred.  JCO Bhoop Singh and Hav Venkat.  A boy from Kanpur, a JCO from Rajasthan and a Hav from Vizag, all lay martyred.  A grenade blast took them out towards the end of the operation.  

At the military hospital, the formalities done and the Commanding Officer called the home of Ayush and informed his dad.  There was silence from the other end.  Sir…..excuse me……Sir…….aap sun rahe hain.  The CO asked.  A reply came from his dad, in our area……in a fight, we prefer to die with injuries in our chest.  Could you arrange to send him to us please.  The CO could feel the choke in the father's voice, but pride in his tone.  Yes Sir…..he said.  
A Dornier aircraft was launched from Srinagar to Chakkeri airport.  Ayush was boxed in a coffin with the national flag draping it.  News of his death was all over the media.  There was a overwhelming crowd from the airport to the cremation area.  Army and Air Force paid their honours, Chief Minister's office sent its envoy to pay their respects, people from all walks of life paid homage.  Traffic stopped in the otherwise indisciplined city of Kanpur.  Kanpur mourned, UP mourned and above all, India mourned as the ceremonial gunfire happened and the pyre was lit as the military band played the last post.

The mother's first tear came when she saw her son consumed to one of the elements.  

Heart rending is a small word.  

Rest in peace brother.  You gave your today to preserve the freedom that we all enjoy.  As a soldier, my salute to you.  Lucky are the few who get to be dorned by the national flag on death.  Rest are all lesser mortals.  

The Indian Flag Does Not Fly Due To The Winds.
It Flies With The Breath of Each Soldier Who Died Protecting It, Our Martyres, the Real Heros